Physics is the study of Matter, Motion and Energy. It encompasses the universe from
the largest galaxies to the smallest subatomic particles.

About This Course
Learn why the world is the way it is. Students will get a chance to learn Physics from an expert and then apply their knowledge through mathematical calculations and models. As one of the most challenging yet rewarding subjects taught in high-school, students who get a head start and study Physics early will have many opportunities open up for them.
What you will learn
- Motions
- Forces
- Energy
- Waves
- Sound & Vibration
- Light
- Heat & Temperature
- Electricity
Advanced Physics
- Thermodynamics
- Magnetism
- Particle Physics
- Relativity
- Quantum Physics
- Nuclear Physics
Discover Inquisitive people and those who love to wonder will find physics an interesting course because it explains the things we see and even those we cannot. How particles of matter react, what blackholes are, why the sky is blue, and why light travels faster than sound are among the questions.
Through physics, you discover why the world is the way it is. Inquisitive people and those who love to wonder will find physics an interesting course because it explains the things we see and even those we cannot. How particles of matter react, what blackholes are, why the sky is blue, and why light travels faster than sound are among the questions that physics can answer.